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Thank you for choosing to give to the Innocence Project London (IPL), a charity based at the University of Greenwich. We are proud to count you among our supporters.


The Innocence Project London relies on the donations from our supporters to investigate claims of innocence from the wrongfully convicted.


The criminal justice system is slow, outdated and underfunded, meaning innocent individuals in prison cannot access the help they need to make their voices heard.


We need your support so we can keep providing this essential service.


Make a donation today.


  • £25 will help us buy stationery so we can send letters to applicants and clients in prisons across England and Wales.

  • £100 will help buy a train ticket so we can visit one client in prison

  • £300 will help the IPL send letters and documents to applicants and clients for 6 months

  • £1000 will help fund a casework manager for 6 hours a week to support the administration of the IPL

  • £1500 will help instruct an expert to enhance CCTV

  • £2000 will help instruct and expert to review medical evidence

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